A Special Message For Expectant Parents
Deciding what to do can be very difficult when you are unexpectedly pregnant or when you have a child you do not think you can properly provide for or raise. The choice that you must make is yours and yours alone to make. If you do not think you can raise your child, whatever the reason, let our firm encourage you to consider adoption.
The number of wonderful home study-ready families waiting to adopt children is staggeringly high. As a result, you are in a position to carefully select the adoptive family for your child. You can pick a family that you can meet in person if you wish, or pick a family that will provide you with pictures throughout the child’s life — basically, you can decide what family and what contact, if any, you wish to have and be very involved in the process. Or not, if you’d rather limit your contact with the family. It’s really up to you.
Adoption attorney Rebecca Bruce would be more than happy to help you in this process. Even if you are not certain that the adoption option is for you, please feel free to contact Bruce & Bruce by email or by calling 765-876-3392 if you have questions about the legal process.
Additionally, you can contact Adoption Connections, the not-for-profit organization founded by Rebecca Bruce that helps expectant parents like you to make adoption plans while ensuring you receive the emotional and practical support you deserve.

Adoption Connections
Rebecca founded Adoption Connections. This is a separate, not-for-profit organization that assists expectant parents with making adoption plans and receiving emotional and practical support throughout the entire process (both before and after placement) and which provides a monthly support group for adoptive parents.